
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Who killed the beetle?

Who killed the beetle?

I specifically told all the 38 participants in my first Canon Penang Macro Workshop (May 22, 2010):

No insects should be harmed in the making of your images.

And this is what happened. Okay, where's my super glue? :D

A few shots taken by Xavier during the Macro Workshop that day.

Canon Penang Macro Workshop

Canon Penang Macro Workshop

Canon Penang Macro Workshop

Canon Penang Macro Workshop

Canon Penang Macro Workshop

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life In the Undergrowth

"If we and the rest of the backboned animals were to disappear overnight, the rest of the world would get on pretty well. But if they were to disappear, the land's ecosystems would collapse. The soil would lose its fertility. Many of the plants would no longer be pollinated. Lots of animals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals would have nothing to eat. And our fields and pastures would be covered with dung and carrion. These small creatures are within a few inches of our feet, wherever we go on land — but often, they're disregarded. We would do very well to remember them."

–Sir David Attenborough, in closing of the "Life In The Undergrowth" documentary.

I must have told you a hundred times how much I love the awesome Life in the Undergrowth insect documentary. It's probably the best insect documentary ever made!

While I enjoy every single minute of the 5 episodes x 50 minute series, it's the closing by Sir David Attenborough that really moves me deeply.

You have read the words, now see the short clip which i extracted, and hear it from Sir David Attenborough himself.

Go search for more clips of the series on youtube. Better still, get the DVD. The article on Wikipedia on "Life In The Undergrowth" is an excellent read too.

Highly recommended:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Canon Macro Workshop, Penang

I'll be in Penang for a Macro Workshop on May 22, 2010.

Malaysia Canon Macro Workshop - Penang
Poster prepared by Xavier Chan.

See you guys/gals there. Bring your DSLRs, macro lenses, speedlights, flash bracket, dedicated macro flashes and any DIY stuff you have. Come say Hi to me after the talk. I should be able to give you some ideas for further improvement.

See you! Hopefully, there'll be more upcoming ones in KL/PJ, Kuantan, JB etc!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Up Close with a Rafflesia!

Well, two, actually...

The whole trip was really quite impromptu. I had contacted an agent a couple of days ago and they called me the following day to inform me about an upcoming trip. I immediately packed and drove down to Gopeng and spent a night there.

It was gloomy as we started trekking up the forest hill. By the time we saw the Rafflesia, it was practically pouring! My lens got foggy and there was no suitable place to set up a tripod.

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But wait, there's another Rafflesia.

Fortunately the rain subsided and I was able to set up my tripod and start shooting away!

Up close with a Rafflesia (Rafflesia cantleyi?)

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A group photo

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An orang asli lady (aborigine) helping a boy to cross the river
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We came across a couple of salt licks where mainly Rajah Brooke's birdwing butterflies congregated. Quite a magnificent sight!
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Up close with a Rajah Brooke
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All images here were shot with a Canon 40D, and Tamron 17-50mm. Tripod used for certain shots.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gorgeous Lantern Bug from Endau Rompin!

Yes, I finally found a Lantern Bug/lanternfly! (Laternaria ruhli). Lucky me! It really made the whole Endau Rompin trip more worthwhile than it already was! Part One of my Endau Rompin visit post is here.

Edit: i have since found more lovely lantern bugs. Check out my collection here.

It was also my very first time sighting and shooting a Lantern Bug/lanternfly so you can imagine how excited I was! :D.

Naturally, I took all the precaution I could. I started taking shots of it from far far away - like this. Many of this, I mean.

Lantern bug from Endau Rompin - Rudolph the red nosed bug!

Then i got closer. Many more shots.

Lantern bug from Endau Rompin - Rudolph the red nosed bug!

Even closer. Again, many more shots.
Lantern bug from Endau Rompin - Rudolph the red nosed bug!

Of course, I had to cover this beauty from a few different angles as well :D
Lantern bug from Endau Rompin - Rudolph the red nosed bug!

If you love Lantern bug / lanternfly , do check out the blue type, Pyrops whiteheadi I found in Danum Valley.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A visit to Endau Rompin

Endau Rompin National Park (2°26′20″N 103°16′22″E / 2.438915°N 103.272858°E / 2.438915; 103.272858 (Endau Rompin National Park)) is a protected tropical rainforest in Malaysia. It is an area south of the state of Pahang and to the northeast of Johor covering an approximate area of 870 km², effectively making it is the second largest national park in Peninsular Malaysia after Taman Negara, with approximately 26 km of trail. It is the second national park proclaimed by the government of Malaysia.

The park is one of the oldest tropical rainforest complexes in the world and features rock formations some 248 million years old. Apart from that, the park contains the largest remaining population of the threatened Sumatran rhinoceros species on the Malay Peninsula. Gunung Besar which is the second highest in Johor is located in the park.

The park takes it name from the Endau and Rompin rivers that flow through the park. Other rivers that flow through the parks are Segamat, Selai and Jasin.

During the monsoon season that covers from November till March, the park is closed to the public. Further, fishing is banned from September till October during mating season. (Source: Wikipedia)

During my 3D/2N stay there last weekend, I managed to snap only 8GB worth of RAW images with my 40D. Out of which, I only PPed 37 images. Not as many insects/bugs as I had wished for but I got the one bug which is high on my wanted list, and that's really great in my book!

As I type this, I am missing the cool water of Sungai Selai already! Bye bye paradise. I'll be there again soon!

Ray of light
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A lovely green frog. Shot with a Sigma 150mm f2.8 on tripod.
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Shot with a 40D, Canon MPE65 1X-5X Macro Lens and MT24EX Twin Flash.
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More Endau Rompin posts coming up soon!