
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gonocephalus grandis - Great angle head lizard

Gonocephalus grandis is a diurnal species that is native to primary rainforests and good secondary forests They occur mainly along streams of all sizes. 

More tropical reptiles and herps here.

A male adult Gonocephalus grandis,  Great angle head lizard in all his glory.
Gonocephalus grandis IMG_1229 copy

A full body shot showing how long its tail is!
Gonocephalus grandis anglehead lizard male full body shot IMG_1211 copy

A female, adult. She wasn't shy and let me got really close!
Gonocephalus grandis angle head lizard female IMG_3440b copy

male Gonocephalus grandis angle head lizard IMG_6362 stk copy

A juvenile female
juvenile female angle head lizard Gonocephalus grandis IMG_8146 copy

A female, juvenile. When one started staying close to the trunk, that's not a good sign for the photographer :D
anglehead lizard juvenile female IMG_3422 copy

Next, they would start sliding away from you to the other side of the tree trunk!
adult male great angle head lizard Gonocephalus grandis IMG_1231 copy

A gif animation. There were two mosquitoes sucking this female lizard's blood.
Gonocephalus grandis lizard animation

Lastly, a little lizard humour :D
Hey gorgeous, your tree or mine?

More tropical reptiles and other herps here.