All taken with a Canon 40D, Canon MPE65
A female Epeus sp? Guarding her precious eggs...awww....<3

The same loving mother with her lovely bunch of spiderlings <3333

Epeus sp. mom with spiderlings

Viciria sp. jumping spider life cycle: eggs to spiderlings. Complete series here.

A male Epeus sp.

Viciria sp. mommy with her spiderlings.

A female Viciria sp. with spider prey

Male Viciria sp.

A female Telamonia sp?

A male Telamonia sp.

Unidentified jumping spider.

Jumping spider with lynx spider prey

A jumping spider with molting trouble.

The same jumping spider with molting trouble

Jumping spider with tiger mosquito prey

Jumping spider with leafhopper nymph prey

Jumping spider with leafhopper nymph prey

A female Siler sp.?

A Hyllus sp. (?) with Pisaurid as prey

A different Hyllus sp.(?) with caterpillar prey

A cute Hyllus sp. jumping spider. Sabah, Borneo.

The same Hyllus sp. Big and cute with lovely marking on her abdomen.

Unidentified jumping spider. Selangor, Malaysia.

A male Viciria sp.

Portia sp.

Ant Mimic Jumping spider, Myrmarachne sp. Check out more amazing ant-mimic jumping spiders here.

A female, Thiana sp.

A male Thiana sp. jumping spider?

A male Bavia sp. ?

A female Bavia sp.?

Looks quite similar in shape to the previous one.

Jumping spider with hopper prey

No ID yet:

Yellow and translucent, probably similar to the previous one but recently molted?

Male and female jumping spiders.

A female Pystira sp.

A female Bathippus sp. Single 270EX for lighting. Find out more here.

A female Orsima ichneumon

A male Orsima ichneumon jumping spider

Male Viciria sp. jumping spider

Jumping spider with caterpillar prey

Jumping spider with caterpillar prey

A big female jumping spider with winged termite prey

Portrait of a Phaeacius sp. jumping spider

A well camouflaged Phaeacius sp. jumping spider on a tree trunk

Phaeacius sp. with prey

Jumping spider with prey

A cute female jumping spider. Unidentified. Selangor, Malaysia.

Jumping spider with roach prey

Jumping spider with nursery web spider prey

Yellow jumping spider

Jumping spider, Rhene sp. ?

Female Ligurra sp.?

Male Ligurra sp.?

Jumping spider with arms like Hercules, Harmochirus brachiatus.

Cute little jumping spider, no ID yet.

Lovely electric green on this one.

Myrmarachne elongata ant-mimic jumping spider, male. More amazing ant mimics here.

Male ant-mimic jumping spider, Myrmarachne sp.

Another male Myrmarachne sp. ant-mimic jumping spider

Male Myrmarachne plataleoides

Male Myrmarachne plataleoides

Female Myrmarachne plataleoides

A male Bathippus sp. jumping spider

Jumping spider with cricket prey, Sabah, Borneo.

Jumping spider with prey

A tiny jumping spider with winged ant prey

Tiny jumper with big prey

Tiny jumper with big prey

More jumping spiders here.
More spiders related posts:
1. Ant-mimic crab spider eating weaver ant
2. More ant-mimic spiders
3. Wonderful jumping spiders
4. Ant-mimic crab spider - mating!
5. Male red ant-mimic jumping spider
6. Tropical spiders
7. Jumping spider life cycle
8. Lichen huntsman life cycle
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The tiny spider with Hercules arms is Harmochirus brachiatus.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ID, CX Wong.