All shot with 40D, Canon MPE65 1X-5X macro lens
A male red ant-mimic jumping spider, Myrmarachne plataleoides

A male Ant mimic jumping spider Myrmarachne plataleoides

A female red ant-mimic jumping spider, Myrmarachne plataleoides

A male red and black ant-mimic jumping spider

A female red and black ant-mimic jumping spider

A male black ant-mimic jumping spider. Don't have a female one yet.

A female ant mimic jumping spider with prey

A black ant mimic jumping spider with prey

Ant-mimic crab spider mating. Amyciaea lineatipes.

A male ant-mimic crab spider with prey - a weaver ant

If you would like to see more spiders, check these out:
1. Ant-mimic crab spider eating weaver ant
2. More ant-mimic spiders
3. Wonderful jumping spiders
4. Ant-mimic crab spider - mating!
5. Male red ant-mimic jumping spider
6. Tropical spiders
7. Jumping spider life cycle
8. Lichen huntsman life cycle
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