More amphibians here.
#1 - I think this is possibly the cutest frog face in the world! Malaya Bug-eyed Frog (Theloderma leprosum). Malaysia.

#2 - One of the most awesome frogs I've ever seen - Malaya Bug-eyed Frog (Theloderma leprosum). Malaysia. It looks quite similar to Theloderma horridum that I've seen before, only much bigger.
#3 - Holy Smog! I love backlighting. It makes me look cool. It makes me look like Batman! Filmed entirely in a lowland forest in Malaysia. Starring: Juve Malayan Horned Frog (Megophrys nasuta).

#4 - Find me!

#5 - Malayan Flying Frog (Rhacophorus prominanus). Khao Sok National Park, Thailand.

#6 - Cute little juvenile Frilled Tree Frog (Kurixalus sp.) - ID suggested by Herp Guide Parinya. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand

#7 - Hylarana eschatia (Chalcorana eschatia) - a common but beautiful frog from Khao Sok National park.

#8 - Norhayati's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus norhayatii). Malaysia.

#9 - Go ahead, take a nap. Norhayati's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus norhayatii). Malaysia.

#10 - Metamorph Twin-spotted tree frog (Rhacophorus bipunctatus). Malaysia.
#11 - Twin-spotted Flying Frog (Rhacophorus bipunctatus). on a wildflower. Montane forest, Pahang, Malaysia.
#12 - Twin-spotted Flying Frogs (Rhacophorus bipunctatus) in amplexus. Malaysia.

#13 - Twin-spotted Flying Frog (Rhacophorus bipunctatus), Malaysia.

#14 - Smooth-skinned wart frog (Theloderma licin). Malaysia. Lifer for me.
#15 - Larut Hills Rice Frog (Microhyla annectens). Pahang, Malaysia.

#16 - A tiny Tanahrata Wartfrog (Limnonectes nitidus).

#17 - I see you! Beautiful eyes of a Spotted Litter Frog (Leptobrachium hendricksoni). Malaysia.
#18 - Butler's rice frog / Painted Chorus Frog / Tubercled Pygmy Frog (Microhyla butleri) in amplexus. Pahang, Malaysia.

#19 - A pair of Ornate Narrow-mouthed Frog (Microhyla fissipes) in amplexus. The male has one bad eye. Pahang, Malaysia.

#20 - A pair of Dark-sided Chorus Frogs (Microhyla heymonsi) in amplexus. Pahang, Malaysia.

#21 - Chubby, colorful = cute! Meet Malacca Frog (Phrynella pulchra). Malaysia.

#22 - Saffron-bellied Frog (Chaperina fusca). Malaysia.

#23 - A really big River Toad (Phrynoidis aspera). 7.5 in from snout to vent. Malaysia.
More tropical snakes here.
#24 - This has to be one of the prettiest snakes I have ever seen in Malaysia. Speckled coral snake / Small-spotted coral snake (Calliophis maculiceps), Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. Highly venomous!

#25 - Speckled coral snake / Small-spotted coral snake (Calliophis maculiceps), Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. Highly venomous!

#26 - This highly venomous but extremely shy Red-headed krait (Bungarus flaviceps) stayed still just for a moment before jumping into the river to escape. Malaysia.

#27 - A really beautiful Twin-barred Flying Snake (Chrysopelea pelias). Malaysia.
#28 - Twin-barred Flying Snake (Chrysopelea pelias). Malaysia.

#29 - Very lucky to have found this gorgeous Paradise Tree Snake (Chrysopelea paradisi). Malaysia.

#30 -

#31 - A happy Monty photographing the Striped Coral Snake (Calliophis intestinalis) he spotted. Pahang, Malaysia.

#32 - Pretty ribbon. Striped Coral Snake (Calliophis intestinalis) playing dead, again. They are really good at this! Highly venomous. Malaysia.

#33 - A young male Vogel's Pit Viper (Trimeresurus vogeli). Khao Yai National Park

#34 - Malayan Krait / Blue Krait (Bungarus candidus). This one twitched when I yelled (to get my friend to come over). Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia.

#35 - A medium sized White-bellied Rat Snake (Ptyas fusca) I found in Khao Sok. It was hunting and eating a skink but I didn't have my camera on a table nearby. De-ticked, photographed and released.

#36 - Red-necked Keelback (Rhabdophis subminiatus). Khao Sok National Park, Thailand.

#37 - A juvenile Gunther’s whip snake, Oriental Whipsnake, Asian vine snake, Jade Vine Snake (Ahaetulla prasina). Selangor, Malaysia.
#38 - While we were photographing this male Hagen's Pitviper (Trimeresurus hageni), a jumping spider (Salticidae - genus?) came to photobomb him! Malaysia.

#39 - Hagen's Pitviper (Trimeresurus hageni), Selangor, Malaysia.

#40 - A really beautiful juvenile female Wagler's Pit Viper (Tropidolaemus wagleri) with her forked tongue sticking out! Malaysia.

#41 - Williamson's Reed Snake (Collorhabdium williamsoni). Montane forest of Pahang, Malaysia.

#42 - Genting Highlands Reed Snake (Macrocalamus gentingensis), Pahang, Malaysia.
#43 - Low's Reed Snake / Lovi's Reed Snake (Calamaria lovii), Pahang, Malaysia.

#44 - Asian Slug Snake, Mountain Slug Snake, Mountain Snail Snake (Asthenodipsas vertebralis). Pahang, Malaysia.

#45 - Smedley's Keelback / Cameron's Keelback (Amphiesma sanguineum / Hebius sanguineum), Pahang, Malaysia.

#46 - Don't you just love the big big eyes of this super cute, even cartoonish juvenile Elegant Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis formosus)? Definitely one of the cutest snakes in Malaysia.

#47 - Cute little Blue-necked Keelback / Blueneck Keelback (Macropisthodon rhodomelas) with full stomach, Selangor, Malaysia.


#49 - Spotted Keelback (Xenochrophis maculatus), Selangor, Malaysia.

#50 - Dwarf Reed Snake, Cantor's Dwarf Reed Snake (Pseudorabdion longiceps), Pahang, Malaysia.

#51 - Barred Kukri Snake / Banded Kukri Snake (Oligodon signatus), Selangor, Malaysia.
#52 - All curled up. Blunt-headed Slug Snake (Aplopeltura boa). Malaysia.

#53 - Cameron Highlands Pit Viper (Trimeresurus nebularis) with a Twin-spotted Flying Frog (Rhacophorus bipunctatus) prey. Pahang, Malaysia.

#54 - Mirkwood Forest Slug Snake (Asthenodipsas lasgalenensis). Montane forest of Pahang, Malaysia.

#55 - This medium sized Painted Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis pictus) wasn't too happy having its pics taken. Threatened to bite too!. Selangor, Malaysia.

#56 - If you like Ahaetulla sp., you'll love Ahaetulla mycterizans (Malayan Whip Snake). Just check out those big bulging eyes - super cute! Malaysia.
#57 - Strikingly beautiful juvenile Mangrove Snake/Golden Ringed Cat Snake (Boiga dendrophila). Malaysia.

More tropical lizards here.
#58 - Juvenile Southern Titiwangsa Bent-toed Gecko (Cyrtodactylus australotitiwangsaensis). Pahang, Malaysia.
#59 - Green-eyed Forest Gecko / Large Forest Gecko (Gekko smithii). Malaysia.

#60 - Oldham's Bow Fingered Gecko (Cyrtodactylus oldhami complex). ID credit: Herp Guide Parinya. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand.
#61 - Oldham's Bow Fingered Gecko (Cyrtodactylus oldhami complex). ID credit: Herp Guide Parinya. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand.

#62- A well camouflaged Smooth-backed Gliding Gecko (Ptychozoon lionotum), Khao Yai National Park, Thailand.

#63 - Garnot's House gecko (Hemidactylus garnotii) with earwig prey. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand.
#64 - Extremely cute and photogenic little Brown's (Wolf) Gecko / Brown’s Fringe Gecko (Luperosaurus browni) licking its eye. Malaysia.

#65 - Kuhl's Flying Gecko (Ptychozoon kuhli). Always a treat to see them in the wild. Malaysia.

#66 - Malaya False Bloodsucker, Yellow-throated Forest Agamid, Yellow-throated False Garden Lizard (Pseudocalotes flavigula). Malaysia.

#67 - Acanthosaura cardamomensis, Khao Yai National Park:

#68 - Profile shot of a Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko). Khao Yai National Park:

#69 - Up close with a Bell's Anglehead Lizard (Gonocephalus bellii). Malaysia.

#70 - Up close with a blue-eyed Malayodracon robinsonii, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. What should its new common name be? Robinson's Malayan Dragon?

More beetles of Malaysia here.
#71 -Male Long-armed Scarab (Cheirotonus peracanus). Malaysia. Taken with the LaoWa 15mm wide angle macro lens.

#72 - I was looking for snakes during the day when I spotted this rather clumsy Trilobite beetle (Platerodrilus hoiseni). Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Laowa 15mm on 70D, no flash.

#73- Beautiful Long-horned beetle with showy, pom pom antennae. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand. Aristobia approximator - ID credit: Numpueng Yuwanda, Antonio Giudici.

#74 - Beautiful longhorn beetle (Aegosoma giganteum). Pahang, Malaysia.

#75 - Beetles threesome.......!!!
Khao Sok National Park. Thailand.

#76 - Mating pair of weevils. Gold Dust Weevil (Hypomeces squamosus). Khao Yai National Park

#77 - Stag beetle (Odontolabis femoralis). Taken with the Laowa 15mm F4 1:1 wide angle macro lens. 70D, diffused 270EX on hot shoe. Handheld.

#78 - Longhorn beetle (Batocera sp.) with mites. Selangor, Malaysia.
#79 - Trilobite beetle. Malaysia. Platerodrilus hoiseni, formerly Duliticola sp., (Family: Lycidae)

#80 - Up close with a wet jewel beetle (Chrysochroa fulminans) on a rainy night. Selangor, Malaysia.

#81 -

More lantern bugs / lanternflies here.
#82 - Lanternfly /lantern bug (Fulgoridae) - Pyrops ducalis. Khao Yai National Park:

#83 - How many bugs do you see in this image? Name all of them. Answers at the bottom of this image.

Answers: Fulgoridae - Pyrops ducalis, Alydidae - Riptortus pedestris and a masked assassin (Reduviidae - Reduvius sp.?)
#84 - Lanternfly /lantern bug (Fulgoridae) - Pyrops candelaria. Khao Yai National Park.

#85 - Lanternfly / lantern bug (Fulgoridae) - Saiva gemmata. Khao Yai National Park:

#86 - Lanternflies / lantern bugs (Fulgoridae) - Saiva gemmata. Khao Yai National Park

#87 - Pyrops karenius, Surat Thani, Thailand.

#88 - Trophobiosis between lantern bug and carpenter ants (Camponotus sp.). The lantern bug are Pyrops cultellatus yoshiakii Nagai & Porion, 2002. Malaysia.

#89 - Lanternfly / lantern bug (Fulgoridae) - Aphaena submaculata. Khao Yai National Park:

#90 - Lanternfly / lantern bug (Fulgoridae) - Aphaena cf. discolor. Khao Yai National Park:
More Orthoptera of Malaysia here.
#91 - Portrait shot of a handsome Dragon-head katydid (Lesina sp.). Malaysia.

#92 - Pinkish Raspy Cricket nymph (Gryllacrididae), highland of Pahang, Malaysia.

#93 - Nom nom nom. Cave cricket (Rhaphidophoridae) nymph enjoying fresh organic white mushroom. Selangor, Malaysia.

#94 - Beautiful katydid (Zulpha perlaria) from the highland of Pahang, Malaysia.

#95 - Katydid nymph (Condylodera tricondyloides?) that mimics Tricondyla sp. tiger beetle?

More Lepidoptera here.
#96 - A stunning moth that was attracted to light at night. Montane forest, Malaysia. Erebus albicinctus, (Erebidae) - ID credit: JC Megabyte.

#97 - Beautiful moth we found in Langkawi while herping up on a mountain in Langkawi at night. Erebidae - Erebus macrops - ID credit: John Horstman.

#98 - Beautiful moth, Dysphania subrepleta. ID credit: Sankararaman Harihara Krishnan, Steven Chong, John Horstman.

#99 - Pink, hairy caterpillar (Trabala sp.) with a biting midge (Ceratopogonidae - Forcipomyia or Atrichopogon). Langkawi Island, Kedah, Malaysia. By habit, parasite of caterpillar, it may be Forcipomyia fuliginosa.- info credit: John Carr @

#100 - Prominent Moth Caterpillar (Fentonia baibarana, Notodontidae) ID credit: John Horstman.

#101 - Moth: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Syntomini

#102 - Lexias dirtea merguia - ID credit: LC Goh, Antonio Giudici. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand.

#103 - Sphingidae, Smerinthinae - Amplypterus panopus panopus - suggested by Antonio Giudici.

#104 - Awesome camouflage. Fooled me! Nature is just so awesome! Erebidae, Erebinae, Hypopyrini - Hypopyra sp. - ID credit: Roger Kendrick.

#105 - Beautiful, elegant white moth with backlighting. Geometridae, Ennominae
Ourapteryx sp., ID credit: Roger Kendrick. Montane forest of Pahang, Malaysia.

#106 - Beautiful moth. Erebus ephesperis. Selangor, Malaysia.

#107 - Love that cyan part of the hind wings. Ischyja marapok (Erebidae, Erebinae) - ID credit: Rob de Vos. Malaysia.

#108 - Owlet Moth (Noctuidae). Montane forest, Pahang, Malaysia. Eudocima salaminia.- ID suggested by Nuwan Chathuranga.
More Neuroptera of Malaysia here.
#109 - Adult antlion. Selangor, Malaysia. Distoleon sp.?

#110 - Beautiful antlion. Distoleon sp.? Malaysia.

More tropical ants here.
#111- At your service, Your Majesty! Two workers and a queen, Polyrhachis sp., Selangor, Malaysia.

More tropical spiders here.
#112 - New skin old skin. Backlit shot of a newly molted house centipede (Scutigeridae) in "mantis shrimp" color scheme. Selangor, Malaysia.

#113 - A proud mom (Coremiocnemis hoggi) with her bunch of "slings": Andy, Betty, Charles, Diane, Eugene, Frank, Ginny, Hank, Ian......Zack..Malaysia.

#114 - Lychas scutilus scorpion, Johor, Malaysia.

#115 - UV illuminated shot of a Lychas scutilus scorpion. Johor, Malaysia.

#116 - Giant Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus spinifer). Malaysia.

#117 - Giant armored trapdoor spider. Liphistius malayanus. Pahang, Malaysia.
#119 - One of the coolest spiders of Malaysia, in my book. Long-horned Orb Weaver (Macracantha arcuata). Malaysia. Taken with the LaoWa 15mm F4 1:1 wide angle macro lens.

#120 - One of the coolest spiders ever! Mouhot's rolled leaf spider (Poltys mouhoti). Malaysia.

#121 - Tree-Stump Spider (Poltys sp) with spiky abdomen. Malaysia.

#122 - Check out this really cool "metallic" millipede! Malaysia. Reminds me of Driller the Decepticon in Transformer.

#123 - This amazing Edentistoma sp. centipede mimics millipedes and prey on them too. Pahang, Malaysia.
#124 - A mating pair of Vinegaroons (Thelyphonida).

#125 - Pangolin

#126 - Mouse deer: Tragulus kanchil - Lesser mouse deer or Lesser Indo-Malayan Chevrotain. Lowland forest of Selangor, Malaysia.
#127 - Long-tailed giant rat (Leopoldamys sabanus) from lowland forest of Selangor, Malaysia.

More mantids of Malaysia here.
#128 - One of the prettiest mantids of Malaysia - Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus). This one is a nymph. Malaysia.

#129 - Dead Leaf Mantids (Deroplatys lobata). Two males on one female! Malaysia.

#130 - Right place at the right time. Backlit shot of a molting Banded Flower Mantis nymph (Theopropus elegans). Malaysia.

#131 - Young female Jungle Nymph (Heteropteryx dilatata) - ID confirmation: Bruno Kneubhhler, Montane forest of Pahang, Malaysia. Laowa 15mm on 70D, natural light.

#132 - Mushrooms. Khao Sok National Park, Thailand. Laowa 15mm.

#133 - Robber fly (Asilidae - Ommatius sp.?) with shield bug prey.

#134 - Backlit teneral cicada resting on its old exoskeleton, while waiting for its body to harden before making its first flight. Malaysia.


#136 - White shield bug nymph. Tessaratomidae
#137 - Female Scorpionfly. Khao Yai National Park

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