An orchard spider is shown enduring a parasitic wasp grub, which injects its host with a hormone that deranges it and halts the spinning of webs. The grub then sucks the liquid from the spider's body and uses the remaining silk to form its cocoon.
You can read about this amazing DVD and how it was made here on Wikipedia.
More parasitoidism:
A heavily parasited caterpillar. You can see grub movement in the animation.
A parasitoid wasp ovipositing on a autumn leaf butterfly caterpillar
A parasitoid wasp waiting to parasitize the eggs of these tortoise beetles.
Two parasitoid wasps on the egg sac of a spitting spider.
Giant tropical ant, Camponotus gigas under attack by parasitoid Phoridae flies.
Two parasitoid wasps on a leaf beetle
Highly recommended: