An incomplete documentation of en Epeus sp. jumping spider' life cyle:
Oct 6, 2012: I found this very gravid mom-to-be.
The same Epeus sp. pregnant jumping spider from a different angle.
Oct 13, 2012 - mom and her eggs. Mom was seen chasing away an ant that close too close to ber eggs.
Oct 20, 2012: Mom with her newly hatched spiderlings.
Oct 27, 2012: only spiderlings' molts were left on the leaf. Mom and her spiderlings have moved on.
A different specimen:
Aug 14, 2011. Mom guarding her egggs.
Aug 21, 2011. The spiderlings hatched.
Aug 31, 2011, only these were left on the leaf. The spiderlings must have molted and left the nest to start their own lives.
For similar documentation on Lichen huntsman life cycle click here.
More arthropod moms with babies in this post.
More tropical spiders.
Other spiders related posts:
1. Ant-mimic crab spider eating weaver ant
2. More ant-mimic spiders
3. Wonderful jumping spiders
4. Ant-mimic crab spider - mating!
5. Male red ant-mimic jumping spider
6. Tropical spiders
7. Jumping spider life cycle
8. Lichen huntsman life cycle
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